Possible Allotment??

I have just got back from viewing an allotment in South Chadderton, and after speaking to the chairperson(?) it is quite hopeful that I may have a chance at one when they come up for review in a couple of weeks as there are a few that have been left to run wild.

I have tried to grow veg in the garden at home for a few years with varying degrees of success - the blackcurrant bush is amazing - I regularly get several kilos of fruit off it, and the rhubarb has gone absolutely wild this year after doing absolutely nothing for the past two summers.

Another success story from last year was the broccoli - I planted purple sprouting and tenderstem and we have now got a couple of freezer bags full of the stuff, we have also had loads straight off the plant.

Not quite as good are my fruit trees - I have two dwarf apples and a dwarf pear - and despite loads of flowers last year not a single fruit set.  Hoping for better things this year - both apple trees flowered together and there are about five potential apples on one, but about thirty on the other.  There have been plenty of little bees around this year too, so hopefully .....

Another area I am pretty poor at is propogation from seed - I can normally get them to sprout, but after that most of my plants tend to wither pretty quick - I am hoping for advice from one of the other allotmenters who is retired now but who apparently used to have a huge allotment.

I will try to stick a few pics in here to show the progress in the garden, and also hopefully in the allotment too - maybe even a video if I can master the technology!


  1. Secretary!

    It was nice to meet you! And it shows that you're keen to get a plot which can never be a bad thing!

    1. Sorry Diane

      I never knew your official position, so I had to take a guess.

      I really hope that things wotk out and a plot becomes available as I am itching to get on and start work.

