I've not been able to get down to the plot much recently, either the weather has been too bad or I haven't had any transport, so I was quite anxious to see the state of my raised beds and their frames after the recent heavy snow we have had in Oldham.
When I got there it was soon clear that the majority of the plot had survived the worst weather of the winter so far with the exception of Bed 1 where the netting had been pretty much destroyed by the weight of the snow.
I was also looking forwards to seeing the results of the visit of the digger to the plot last weekend when the drainage channel that I had dug in Autumn was deepened and widened.
Hopefully this will allow most of the surplus surface water on the plot to drain away once I manage to get pipes and gravel into the trench on my plot.
I will report back once I have been able to make some more progress.